Former professor and Board Member and former Deputy Rector of the University of Burundi ; Consultant Specialist of Population Mouvements in the Great Lakes Sub-region ; Specialist of Commercial Exchanges in the Great Lakes Sub-region.
The genocide bomb of the African Great Lakes is deadlier than the 1945 atomic bomb blast on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The inventors of such death machine are hutu Rwandan ideologists and leaders : to them, the tutsi of the African Great Lakes sub-region must utterly disappear. This is the final solution of tropical nazism.
Indeed, as of October 21, 1993, Burundian hutu genocide perpetrators have slaughtered more than 500,000 tutsis and moderate hutus. In Rwanda for its part, from April 6, 1994, Rwandan hutu genocideperpetrators exterminated 1 million tutsis and moderate hutus. Within one week, with rudimentary tools, the genocide perpetrators managed to slay more than one million and half tutsis and moderate hutus in Burundi and Rwanda. Same objective, same strategy, same methods in both countries.
The world had never ever witnessed as many deaths, refugees, displaced and material damage within such a limited space and short span of time. Primitive and derisory means, yet dramatic efficiency.
Such scourge of relentless ethnic hatred is on the brink of engulfing and destroying all of the sub-region States : Zaire, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan and Kenya. No country is spared. Genocide perpetrators are not to be taken lightly.
That ideology of the unspeakable has managed to undermine Burundi and Rwanda, the very two States-Nations which are the most integrated and homegeneous of Africa.
As a result, from 1965 to January 1997, the number of Burundian hutus who have fled their country because of genocide amount to 650,000. Among them, 250,000 went to Rwanda, 250,000 found asylum in Tanzania and some 150,000 in Zaire. Between 1959 and 1994, Burundi welcomed on its territory 820,000 refugees including 270,000 Rwandan tutsis, 250,000 Rwandan hutus and 300,000 Zaireans.
Between 1959 and 1996, Rwanda recorded 400,000 tutsi refugees and 2,350,000 hutus exiles, i.e 2,750,000 all in all including 520,000 in Burundi, 1,550,000 in Zaire, 630,000 in Tanzania and 50,000 in Uganda. During the same periode, Rwanda gave asylum to 250,000 Burundian hutu genocide perpetrators fleeing the retaliation by their victims.
Zaire experienced a triple phenomenon. Firstly, the country gave shelter to tutsi refugees : 50,000 from 1959 to 1994. Then, it faced the mass influx of 1,500,000 hutus as of April 6, 1994, the date on which the Rwandan large scale genocide was triggered. The latter were fleeing ahead of the stunning victory by the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) in July 1994. Lastly, the « Banyamulenge » pushed 600,000 hutu refugees in Zaire back to Rwanda and 150,000 Burundian hutus to their country. That was in November 1996. As a whole, 1,700,000 refugees left Zaire between 1959 and 1996, i.e. 50,000 Rwandan tutsis, 600,000 Rwandan hutus and 150,000 Burundian hutus whereas 300,000 Zaireans recovered their homeland from Burundi.
Reportedly, the environnement and natural wealth of Eastern Zaire were fully destroyed. The genocide does not spare man or nature.
Tanzania does not escape the genocidal upheavals of the African Great Lakes. That country tas received 50,000 Rwandan tutsis between 1959 and 1994, 250,000 Burundian hutus from 1972 to 1997 and 600,000 Rwanda hutus as of April 1994 to December 1996, ie 880,000 refugees in all.
Unlike Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire, Tanzania has not experienced mass flight of her own citizens. However, the country is faced with a double challenge. On the one hand, Tanzania Government is starting to deny to her tutsi citizens their inalienable rights, exactly the way the Zairean Government acted vis-à-vis the « Banyamulenge ». This stems from the influence of Burundian and Rwandan hutu genocide perpetrators who have infiltraded political and media sectors in Tanzania. On the other hand, hutu genocide perpetrators who have settled in western Tanzania are starting black terror against Tanzanian tutsis just as they did back home and in Zaire. The same causes are bringing about the same effects. This is evidence that troubles do not occur in Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire alone. It is worth pointing out that hamites in Tanzania make up 30% of the population.
Uganda too is dancing on the tip of a genocidal volcano. From 1959 to 1994, it welcomed 50,000 Rwandan tutsis. Today, it receives blacks from John Garang’s South Sudan whereas Sudan gives asylum to Achonli from Milton Obote’s Northern Uganda. Both countries are on the brink of war because of their cumbersome guests. Let’s recall that AminDADA roughly expelled all Ugandans of Asian origin towards Kenya, Tanzania and various other countries.
Kenya is the only country in the sub-region which does not produce or receive mass refugees. But that country risks being contaminated by the ideologists of tropical nazism who are received by its Governement with as much enthusiasm as there are grossly material interests.
All in all, the African Great Lakes sub-region has recorded 3,700,000 refugees from 1959 to 1997 of which 2,390,000 have gone back to their respective countries : 400,000 hutus in Burundi, 1,690,000 tutsis and hutus in Rwanda and 300,000 in Zaire. The balance in the countries of asylum is theoretically 1,310,000 refugees (35,4%).
The leaders of the African Great Lakes sub-region’s countries show a stunning lack of political foresight. Rwanda’s Havyarimana welcomed Burundian hutu genocide perpetrators in order to destroy Burundi.
The FRODEBU Government of Burundi showed thesame enthusiasm towards the Rwandan hutu genocide perpetrators. The Zairean Government has utilised and still uses Burundian and Rwandan refugees as a war weapon against Burundi and Rwanda.

Kenya and Tanzania coalesce with Burundian genocide perpetrators in order to undermine Burundi’s vital interests without suspecting what might befall their populations.
Uganda and Sudan are overwhelmed by their respective protégés.
As a result, the leaders of the sub-region should heed the voice of our forefathers : « Throw away the stick that has served to hit your rival ».
Strategists of all the countries and of all persuasion, do prevent genocide instead of distributing humanitarian relief and crocodile’s tears. A word to the wise is enough !
